Pichon for Windows

This is an article on how to use our Pichon desktop app on Windows. You might be a completely new user or an experienced one – it’s still a good idea to check this tutorial out, since Pichon has a lot to offer.

Installation and Settings

You can download and install Pichon from our website or Microsoft Store.

Once the app is installed, launch Pichon, click on the cog button in the top-right corner and choose Account to log in to your Icons8 profile. This will sync your user data with Pichon, letting you access all the paid features available under your subscription plan.

In the General tab of the settings you can find Pichon’s preferences:

  • Dark mode — lets you switch between light and dark themes to make it easier on the eyes.
  • Fix Mode on Recolor —
  • Launch with Windows — Pichon will launch upon logging in to the system.
  • Show application in the taskbar — Pichon will be shown in Windows taskbar.
  • Always on top — Makes pichon stay at the top of any opened apps.
  • Synchronize icons
  • Use simplified SVG — Downloaded SVG icons will have a single path. Leave this enabled if you don’t plan to edit the icon.

Use Updates tab to update Pichon, go to Icons8.com or check out our FAQ.


Icons in Pichon are divided into Collections, Styles, and Categories. Clicking on a particular tab will open and close it. Collections include your favorites and downloaded icons and allows you to create and manage your custom collections. Styles tab lists all the visual styles our icons come in. Categories sort icons by themes and topics.

To find an icon, type in some definitive word into the search bar. You can choose specific styles or check out icons in all styles at once. To save an icon, just right-click on it.

Right-clicking on the icon also allows you to find icons in the same style:


You can also add new collections, export and share them by right-clicking – press the ‘Create collection’ button or right-click a particular collection:

Other features

Adding assets to editors

To download an icon, sign in, choose its size and format and either save it with a right-click or drag-drop it to wherever you want, for example, Lunacy:

Adding your own icons to a collection

You can upload your own icons to Pichon by dragging them onto an active collection area from the Explorer.

Changing the size of the icon and format

All icons will be downloaded in the format and size currently selected in the top-right dropdown menu.

Recoloring icons

Recoloring is done by clicking on the color wheel in the top-right corner of Pichon.


You may use our graphic assets without payment for personal or commercial purposes if you include a link to Icons8 in your work.